To our Dearest Barristers,

I write this, not as your professor, but rather, a fellow sojourner who, like you, have, stood before those hallowed gates of this glorious profession. I will share with you, not lectures on law and jurisprudence, but rather, personal insights to see you through this final hurdle in your professional journey that began four years ago as fledgling freshmen of the UNP college of law.

Trust in yourself. You have dedicated four years of your life learning about the laws of this land and what it takes to be a great lawyer. The knowledge you have gained during those four years shall be the very tools you will need to hurdle the bar exams. You have put so many hours of study and dedicated yourself tirelessly, now it’s time to show them off. Therefore, take heart, dear barristers, for you have prepared well for this very moment.

Stay calm, eat well, and have a good night’s sleep. A well-nourished and alert mind shall best help you sift through your arsenal of stock knowledge as you answer each question in your test booklets. Therefore, prepare yourself, dear barristers, by being physically fit and healthy during those two important days.

Pray and be confident in yourself and in what you have achieved so far. A professor of mine once told me that the bar exam is the most exciting experience in the life of a lawyer. Therefore, be at peace, for your journey isn’t bleak and dark. Nay, it is a voyage of promise and a brighter tomorrow, well deserving after a job well done.

The Bar is just one of the beginning steps in your journey towards the place that awaits you most. Keep trusting in the process as you get closer to realizing your dreams. Think carefully, as everything after this moment will not only determine your career but your life.

Despite all struggles that you experience, continue to be persistent, self-aware, and brave, just as you should with your daily struggles. Believe you can and you’re halfway there!

Dearest barristers, cross this, your Rubicon, and claim your victory. We your professors await you on the other side, with open arms we welcome you: Brothers and sisters of the law profession.

~Atty. Mhelygene Tesoro-Ramos




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