UNP CLaw provides for Abra Relief

UNP CLaw provides for Abra Relief

Vigan City–Aiding the relief efforts of the university towards the primary victims of the earthquake, the Law Student Government initiated a donation drive for the purchase of relief goods.

Students, Teachers, and the Dean herself, Atty. Yaye Lares, of the Juris Doctor program shelled out personal financial aid towards the purchase of water, noodles, and soaps amounting to Php 11,122.00.

The effects of the earthquake in the people of Abra continues as aftershocks are still felt, as of posting. While numerous relief efforts are still on their way, the College of Law and the Law Student Government stands with the people of Abra in their effort to bring back their normal lives.

The turnover of the relief goods to the Student Council was supervised by the Asst. Dean Atty. Mirela Verzosa and CLaw Office Assistant Jennifer Ramos with Reymart Regua, LSG Governor-elect, and Bryan Irvine Lamarca, LSG Secretary-elect.

Reymart Regua extends his gratitude to all the donors of the said relief efforts: JD 1, JD 2, JD 3, Dean Atty. Yaye Lares, Asst. Dean Atty. Mirela Verzosa, and Atty. Meilyne Padua, Atty. Kristalyn Vega-Alves.

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